Subordinate Agency Budget and Consolidated Tables of General Budget of Taichung Municipal Government, FY2022
- Budgeting
There are 22 special funds in total in the Subordinate Agency Budget and Consolidated Tables which are classified and summarized under Enterprise Funds, Operations Funds and Special Revenue Funds. The consolidated table is prepared to realize the government's policies and plans and strengthen the service for the citizens, in order to improve public welfare and municipal construction, and properly plan the overall financial resources.
Subordinate Agency Budget and Consolidated Tables of General Budget Proposal of Taichung Municipal Government, FY2022 were completed by the deliberation of the Taichung City Council on January 5, 2022, amended and passed, and promulgated and implemented in accordance with regulations. The statutory budget for 2022, the income (source) is NT$79.555 billion, and the expenditure is NT$79.846 billion (F/A, long-term investment and I/A of Enterprise Funds and Operations Funds are NT$7.109 billion).
- Budget of business Revenue and Expense of Enterprise Funds, Operations Funds and Special Revenue Funds for the period:
(1) Enterprise Funds (2 funds including that of Fengyuan Agriculture Production Co., Ltd.) will have total revenue of NT$570 million and total expenses of NT$1.3 billion; the Net Loss of NT$730 million for current the period.
(2) Operations Funds (11funds including Taichung City Urban Land Consolidation Plan Fund, etc.) will have total revenue of NT$21.206 billion and total expense of NT$12.339 billion; the Surplus of NT$8.867 billion for current period.
(3) Special Revenue Funds (9 funds including Taichung City Local Education Development Fund,etc.) will have an income of NT$57.779 billion and an expenditure of NT$59.099 billion; the Deficit of NT$1.320 billion for current period.
- Budget for earnings distribution and loss compensation of Enterprise Funds, Operation Funds and Special Revenue Funds:
(1) Enterprise Funds:
- Fund with earnings in the year: The Net Profit for the period will be NT$1.4 million and the Accumulated Profit will be NT$43.7 million; the Legal Reserves from earnings will be NT$0.14 million, and the Unappropriated Retained Earnings will be NT$45 million.
- Fund with a loss in the year: The Net loss for the current period will be NT$732 million and the Accumulated Loss will be NT$1.55 billion; the Loss to be Made-up will be NT$2.282 billion.
(2) Operation Funds:
1.Fund with a surplus in the year: The Surplus for Current Period will be NT$9.576 billion and the Unappropriated Surplus for Prior Period will be NT$18.577 billion; the balance of surplus Appropriations including Make-up of Accumulated Deficits NT$709 million, and Net Submitted to Treasury in Taichung will be NT$10.353 billion; the Unappropriated Surplus will be NT$17.083 billion.
2.Fund with deficits in the year: The Deficits of Current Period will be NT$708 million and the Deficits to be Made-up for Prior Period will be NT$43million; NT$709 million will be Coverage from surplus for Make-up of Deficits, and the Deficits to be Make-up will be NT$43 million.
(3) Special Revenue Funds:
The Fund Balance at the beginning of the period is NT$10.841 billion, the Deficits in the period will be NT$1.320 billion, and the Fund Balance at the end of the period will be NT$9.521 billion.